Mr.doob created a 1k pong game in as3. Which made my fingers itch to do better. So here it is, in as2, less than half the filesize and the same functionality.
// // Pong.5k (510 bytes game) // by Kristof Neirynck // // inspired by monoPong-1k and mrdoob // // // Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; // making 10 a variable to shave off some bytes var t:Number = 10; // speed var vx:Number = -t; var vy:Number = t; // player 1 var p:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("p", 1); // player 2 var q:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("q", 2); // ball var b:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("b", 3); // drawing the squares d(p,20,40); d(q,20,40); d(b,t,t); // magic loop function onEnterFrame() { b._x += vx; b._y += vy; q._x = Stage.width; p._y = _ymouse; q._y = Stage.height-_ymouse; // bounce top or bottom border if (b._y<t || b._y>Stage.height-t) { vy = -vy; } // bounce player1 or left border // or player 2 or right border if ((b.hitTest(p) && b._x>20) || (b.hitTest(q) && b._x<Stage.width-20)) { vx = -vx; } // someone scored if (-t>b._x || b._x>Stage.width+t) { b._x = Stage.width*0.5; b._y = Stage.height*0.5; vx = -vx; } }; // square drawing function function d(m:MovieClip, w:Number, h:Number):Void { //w and h are already / 2 //w /= 2; //h /= 2; m.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); m.moveTo(-w,-h); m.lineTo(w,-h); m.lineTo(w,h); m.lineTo(-w,h); //not needed //m.lineTo(-w,-h); //m.endFill(); }
Lol. I just spent 5-10 minutes trying to play. I remember when I was pretty good at games like Pong and Breakout.
Jeremy, I agree with your statement. Some of the most fun games I have ever played have been short on the graphics end … Civilization, Colonization. What was the UFO one?
Pretty amazing you can make this game so small! Playing this just reminds me of something I have said for years and years: Game play will always be more important than graphics, PERIOD. I haven’t found a single PS3 game I really love yet, and I haven’t touched my Xbox 360 in I don’t know how long.
hey there – i saw this the other day and thought i might join in the fun ;)
I’ve been able to get it down to 338bytes – but a single player version – you can see it here:
I wanted to hide the mouse too but that take 16bytes. the main differences are using the bitmapData class to construct the pieces and reversing the color scheme actual shaved off 4 bytes! LOL!!!
WOW, wait a second i have a question
The code that you posted above…is that ALL the code for this neat little game?
Kristof, do you think that if you add a score to it, the size will increase dramatically?
Anyway, its amazing that you can write that in 510bytes!
@Matthew: You’re really pushing it to the limit, aren’t you. You could probably win a few more bytes by setting the width and height to numbers you already use in the program and flasm would also help you to a byte or two. Maybe if you compiled it with mtasc it might also be a tiny bit smaller. It’ll never be 200 bytes though.
After a tip off Chris Benjamensen over at I managed to drop it down to 374 bytes. I’d love to see if anyone else can get any better. I have officially ran out of ideas now. Even going so far as to encorporate a basic form of Huffman encoding to the variables names.
You can see it at:
Having difficulty with the right paddle :-S
@Matthew: Good Job
@Mario: 5k and no compression? No way!
@Matthew: Nice work.
A friend of mine challenged me to try and beat this, so I did.
Here is a 393 byte version:
I tried to resist using __bytecode__, but I did have to sacrafice scalability of the stage.
I’m sure you could do that Joa ;-)
Damn, I have to look for that file on an old machine of mine – in 2001 I had a 5K PONG made in Flash 5 entered to the 5kAward. That version included scoring, sounds, one and two player mode and since it was Flash 5 it didn’t even use zlib compression. What a pity that those bastards simply shut down the old site so all the good stuff is gone. And no luck on either.
As3c? :)
I guess you could make a 200b version using the right tools ;)
Interesting, I’ve done some more tests and it went down to 505bytes. I wonder if when is this something that scales or what. I mean, I have the feeling that AS3 would beat AS2 in 4kbytes. But here its clear who wins.
Very nice. My windows version ( is also getting smaller. With some help the executable is now ~890bytes big. Now I am thinking about adding some sound / scoring system!
Anyway, nice and tiny pong clone!
@julien: Yes this is merely an experiment. Adding the score would be trivial, but it would also cost a few bytes extra.
@Mr.doob: It’s pretty much the same as the one you wrote. AS2 is indeed a lot smaller. Took a bit of tweaking here and there to make it half the filesize tough.
Haha! That’s great! I would asume that AS2 gets compressed better than AS3, isn’t it? Cos the code is basicaly a port of the AS3. Isn’t it?
Very nice…. There’s just one thing I don’t really understand about those “less than 1K games” that have been shown the last few day …where’s the score, and how come I can play the whole night without ever loosing?
Is it really meant to be a game? or just an AS experiment